Jun 12, 2014

Cynthia and Esther in the RRB-10

Our researchers Cynthia Alcántara and Esther Posadas participated in the 10th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries held in Valladolid, Spain. Here some pictures:

Cynthia Alcántara during her oral presentation on "Integrated microalgae growth-anaerobic digestion process as a biofuel technology production: mass and energy balances"

Esther Posadas during her oral presentation on “Biogas upgrading coupled with nutrient removal from centrates and lipid accumulation using microalgae-based processes”

Esther Posadas with her poster "Algal-bacterial biomass removal from fish farm wastewater treatment using coagulation/flocculation processes"

Sharing ideas at the coffee break…

Professor Yusuf Chisti visiting the VOC & Odour Treatment Team facilities. From left to right: Raúl, Yusuf, Cynthia, Esther and Jesús.

Some members of the "Valladolid University team" at the dinner Conference

Enjoyable time with Yusuf Chisti and Emilio Molina Grima

Cynthia Alcántara receiving a bottle of Yllera red wine during the celebration of the “Golden Crop Award”

See you soon!!

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