Apr 7, 2014

Esther Posadas in the "Young Algaeneers Symposium 2014"

Esther represented the VOC & Odour Treatment Team in the Young Algaeneers Symposium 2014 (YAS2014) held in Montpellier-Narbonne (France). She presented the following contributions:

Diurnal variations in a High Rate Algal Pond treating fish farm wastewater
(Posadas E, García-González MC, Muñoz R, García-Encina PA)

Microalgae-based domestic wastewater treatment in enclosed tubular and open biofilm photobioreactors
(Posadas E, García-Encina PA, Domínguez A, Díaz I, Becares E, Blanco S, Muñoz R)

Here some pictures: