Jan 8, 2014

Biotecnología y Medio Ambiente (Biotechnology and the Environment), the new contribution of the VOC and Odours Group!

Editorial Ephemera (www.editorial-ephemera.com) has just published the Second Edition of the book "Biotecnología y Medio Ambiente (Biotechnology and the Environment)" in the Collection Science and Technology. This book aims at becoming a reference for both professionals with the need to understand their areas in depth and for students needing a reference reading. Biotechnology and the Environment covers different areas of current biotechnology, specially those applied to environmental protection such as bioremediation, phitoremediation, wastewater treatment or composting among others. 
The contribution of the VOC and Odours Group in chapter 9 covers the treatment of off-gases and odours by biofiltration. The basic concepts of gas treatment are covered in it, together with design parameters, its main applications and economic aspects. The chapter has been prepared in collaboration with Professor Ana Elías from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EUH) who is gratefully acknowledged. More information here.